From Mechanical To Google summer of Code (GSoC)
Hey, I’m Rishabhdeep Singh, I am a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur from the Mechanical Department and currently working at Google. I’ve been a Google Summer of Code student for the year 2018 and a Google Code-in Mentor as well for OpenRoberta Lab for the year 2019. I have been involved in the Kharagpur winter of code as well where I mentored and contributed to multiple projects. Apart from this, I have been contributing to multiple open-source projects. Although being from Mechanical background I started programming in the 1st year only.
Being from a Mechanical Background I was really interested in the parts involved both on the mechanical and programming side. While looking through the organizations that were taking place in 2018 I stumbled upon “Open Roberta Lab” which has both robots and programming involved. I started reading the codebase and talking with the mentors for the Organisation working on very small issues.
When the time came for the actual application I went to my college seniors to get some help for writing proposals and started building from the same set of templates and got it reviewed from my college seniors first and then from Org mentors. This helped a lot in fixing still related to deliverables and timelines. My core project was to build a Standalone desktop app for the already-built web app. I chose Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) to build the application using Java, Javascript, and HTML only.